Sunday, June 7, 2009


What is this..
This is just 20-70-10.
This is the formula which is used by most of organizations using to grade employees by organizations and each number means
20% -> Top
70% -> Middle
10% -> Bottom

I was just wondering from couple of years from where this expression has been derived.

Recently I started reading a book "WINNING" written by Mr.Jack Welch who is one of very Successful Ex-CEO's of GE.

In his third chapter "Differentiation" he mentioned he is the person who gave this expression to the Corporate World, and it is a wonder that he derived this expression from his BasketBall team selection which he played in younger days.

Now reg.ratings of employees I got the new derivation for above mentioned expression.
But this is personal derivation and I guess applicable for IT Industry:

Here Top means : Organization is telling to that person is in current situation/scenario we dont have replacement for you and You are in the road of generating future revenue to organization.

Middle means: You are wonderful but we have ready alternative for your place in your absense. No great role in generating future revenue.

Bottom : This is Red, Red, red. Actually This has a single caption that is just Go Babyeeee , Go

So, now I understand what should we do to be in Top :)....